22 Questions to Ask in Political Conversations

Yesterday I posted a request that we collectively start asking more questions when having political conversations in person and online.

Asking more questions allows us to release the need to control a conversation while finding a way to connect with someone. Asking more questions lowers our internal temperature and causes us to think more clearly. When we ask more questions, we learn right alongside the people we are questioning.

To help you out, I’ve created a list of 22 questions that you can ask when having a political conversation. Give them a try and let me know how it goes!

Blue Checkered Bubble Speech English Language Day Social Media Graphic.png
  1. Tell me more about what you think.

  2. How did you come to that conclusion?

  3. Where did you read that statistic?

  4. What are some of your favorite news sites to read?

  5. Can you point me to an article or two to read?

  6. Who are some of your favorite people to follow?

  7. If you could sum up your viewpoint in two sentences, what would they be?

  8. Would you be open to hearing what I have to say?

  9. Is there anything that might make you change your mind?

  10. Have you ever had any firsthand experience with this issue?

  11. Have you ever considered an alternative side?

  12. When was a time that you changed your view on an issue?

  13. What is one thing you wish “the other side” would understand?

  14. In what way would you be willing to compromise?

  15. Do you ever read things that challenge your viewpoints? Would you be open to doing so?

  16. What are your views on the constitution and how do you think it should be interpreted?

  17. What’s the best way to hold political leaders accountable? And how does your political approach do that?

  18. In your opinion, what types of things are human rights and what types of things should the government dictate?

  19. How does your faith influence your politics?

  20. How much do you think faith should influence politics?

  21. How does your faith inform your stance on this particular issue?

  22. What is one issue you wish you knew more about?

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